Be Thankful - The Creative Mouse

Be Thankful

by - 11/23/2016

As Thanksgiving approaches and you get ready to dig into that turkey, take some time to be grateful for every good and not-so-good thing that happened this past year. I am thankful for SO many things, but I narrowed it down to five for today's post.

I am alive! What bigger blessing could I ask for? In this busy world we live in, we sometimes forget that we are not promised tomorrow and take today for granted. Money cannot buy your health, and as cliché as it may sound, I feel very fortunate to say I am healthy.

Although I do not get to be with them on this special day this year, I am grateful for their unconditional love and support even from far away.

I have some of the best friends out there! When I first started living here, I moved completely by myself. With time, I learned to appreciate true friendship. It is not easy to find, but when you finally do, friends become your family. They are there for the celebrations, but also for those less glamorous moments when, for example, you need to go to the ER. I do not know where I would be without them or how far I could have gotten. Studying abroad is, I dare say, impossible without good friends.

I understand it is a cliché to give thanks for food, especially around this time of the year, but this is something many of us take for granted, also.

I have no words to express how important music is to me. I have to thank my family for the magnificent gift of introducing me to this wonderful art at a very young age.

What are you thankful for? Happy Thanksgiving!

- XO The Creative Mouse

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