What Is In My Sewing Kit
I have grown up surrounded by women who can sew. So, from a very young age I was fascinated with it and by the time I was 13, I was making my own clothes. Today, I want to share with you all the items I use the most when sewing and keep in my kit for easy access.
- The plastic box I bought many years ago, but you can find similar ones on Amazon.
- Bobbins are a MUST! My sewing machine brought 4 and the rest I purchased (similar).
- Measuring tape is an essential (similar). Also, remember to jot down your measurements so you do not have to measure yourself every time you sew something for yourself.
- Spare sewing machine needles (similar) for when you change fabrics or break one!
- Seam ripper to correct those little mistakes (similar) and not have to rip it all up and start again.
- Spare pins. I like these pins the most (similar), but remember there are some pins you cannot iron over because the head will melt and ruin your fabric!
- Whenever I need to sew a button by hand, I place a toothpick in between the button and the cloth to leave some free space for it to button easier.
- Protect your finger with a thimble (similar) when sewing by hand to avoid getting hurt.
- I do not use safety pins (similar) when sewing, but I store them here because they come in handy, especially when you wear a buttoned blouse that easily opens up.
- When I first started sewing, all pants had elastic because it was not until further on that I learned how to sew zippers on. Now, I use the elastic to create headbands. They come in varying width, but you can purchase a similar one Amazon.
- Buttons! Every time I buy a piece of clothing that brings spare buttons, I store them here so I can find them easily when needed.
- The first item I bought when I started sewing was this pair of scissors (similar). This is probably the most important tool in the kit.
- Pin cushion (similar) so your pins are not all over the place!
- Carbon paper for marking the fabric.
- Coats & Clark is by far my favorite thread (and my machine's too). If you are beginner, consider first purchasing black and white thread. They are life savers!
- Instructions on how to sew a zipper.
- Sewing gauge (similar) for measuring.
- Serrated tracing wheel (similar) to use with the carbon paper when tracing.
Most things I bought little by little, not all at once; especially the threads. I hope you have fun building up your own sewing kit. They come in handy for quick repairs or for when you feel adventurous and want to make something to wear!
- XO The Creative Mouse