Here is a list of places to visit while in D.C. I have carefully placed them in order to avoid you from walking back and forth to see them (like I did). My advice is to visit the monuments one day, and leave the Smithsonian Museums for other...
Don't know what to get for that special someone? Are they a hobby lover? You have come to the right place! Designers ...
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This post is for those of you who are NOT morning persons like myself! I try to put these into practice every night ...
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This month is all about celebration! Here are my last favorites of 2016. Enjoy!Mahalo UkuleleTravelChristmas ...
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It is the second day of 2017 and everyone, even if they deny it, has a list of resolutions even if it is in the back ...
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I recently got a brand new soprano ukulele as a Christmas gift and would like to share my unboxing of the Mahalo ...
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