2023 Favorites

by - 12/04/2023


I hope this year was as great for you as it was for me! As we reflect on the past 12 months, I would like to share with you some of my favorite things that changed my life this year.

Hulu really did it for me this year. There wasn't a particular series I loved, but it always had content I was interested in watching.

This was probably the only series I watched this year, but it was very good indeed, especially if you're a huge Poe fan!

Flowers by Miley Cyrus

Crafting and letting my imagination run wild designing projects for my new Etsy Shop, The Creating Mouse Shop. Please go check it out!

This one took me by surprise. I watched iCarly when I was younger and was interested in reading this book for a while. Once I started reading it, I could not put it down. Seriously, I cannot recommend this book enough! I'm Glad My Mom Died is a memoir written by the show's costar and details her career as a child actress and her complicated relationship with her mom. It is a NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER that has sold over 200,000 copies and has remained a bestseller for over 60 weeks!

I always try to stick with my skin care, but my aesthetician let me know I was still missing hydration, so I started using these sheet masks and they have helped tremendously.

As I did not travel this year, I would say my favorite trip was going to Isla Verde and parasailing! We used Watersports 4u and had a great experience with them.

I lived many great moments this year, especially those involving my loved ones, but getting to share the moment with my fiancé when we both found out we had passed our licensing tests was definitely a highlight.

It was a pretty great year with many accomplishments, but if I had to choose a favorite one, passing both licensing tests this year has got to be my greatest accomplishment this year. I still cannot believe it!

I like to travel light because it saves a lot of time and trouble and this backpack is perfect for that!

I was not able to pick only one of these 2 items because I get so much use out of all of them and they have made my dog mom life so much better!

My previous laptop died on me and so this was more of a forced purchase, but I love my new MacBook Air with M1 chip and this cute case I got for it.

What were some of your favorite things from 2023 and what are you looking forward to the most next year? Thank you for allowing me to be part of your life in 2023. I wish you all happiness and health for 2024. Happy New Year!

- XO The Creative Mouse

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