The Creative Mouse's 2021 Favorites
Movies finally started releasing again and I must say Cruella was my favorite. I did not think I was going to enjoy it as much as I did. It was a nice surprise. Emma Stone did a great job playing the character as well.
While there were many new series released this year, WandaVision stood out to me the most. I have always loved sitcoms and having all those classic ones in one series was magical. It was fun to try and figure out what show each episode was inspired by.
I am SO glad I got back to blogging. Even though I did not post as much as I would have liked to, this has been a great outlet for my creativity and passions.
The Harry Potter series was gifted to me this year along with the 10th generation Kindle and although I am extremely late to the game (in my defense I did watch all the movies as they were released), I am so glad I am finally reading them. I must admit, the books really are better than the movies.
While the pandemic has certainly halted many trips, I am so glad I was able to travel to the happiest place on earth, Walt Disney World. As you may have guessed, this is my happy place and I am so grateful I was able to travel safely and be part of the 50th anniversary celebration.
Speaking about trips, one of my favorite moments this year was finally being able to ride Hagrid's Magical Creature Motorbike Adventure. It quickly made my top rides list!
- Riding an upside down roller coaster for the first time.
- Getting to watch Happily Ever After Fireworks one last time.
- Finally having my Elsa moment and allowing myself to, wait for it, let it go.
This one was a tough one. I was blessed enough to receive a couple gifts this year, but I must say my violin is by far the best one of all.
During my trip to Walt Disney World I purchased this necklace and I am still obsessed with it!
This automatic pet feeder was life changing. I no longer have to worry about my dog having her meals on time if I'm busy or running late!
Pet trackers can get pricey. For a little more peace of mind, the Air Tag is a cheap alternative. Just attach it to your pet's collar with this holder. You can even get free engraving on it! This device uses nearby bluetooth sources to track your pet/items. Keep in mind this is not a GPS tracker, but it's worth it for the price.
What were some of your favorite things from 2021 and what are you looking forward to the most in 2022?
- XO The Creative Mouse