Around this time of the semester I start counting down the seconds till the semester is over. So sleep is my favorite activity since I am always SO tired.
Or as I have come to name it, Friendsgiving. When you live far away from home, these special days are a little tougher to get by. I am blessed to have friends to not only share this day with, but whom I can also trust. I hope you all had a great day also!
There is nothing like the smell of a Christmas tree. And in case you are wondering, yes, I decorate early for the holidays.
Browsing through the Forever 21 website, I stumbled upon this dress that caught my eye and I just had to buy it immediately before it was out of stock.
Smells like Christmas trees
Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life is finally streaming on Netflix! Growing up, I would always watch this series. Now-a-days, nostalgia is such a big deal, I am glad they created this. I had to watch all episodes the same day they were released!
Looking forward to an even better December!
- XO The Creative Mouse